martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

endangered animals

   The lynx

The lynxes  are similar the cats. There are in
 the world four types of lynxes northern hemisphere: 
the red lynx north american,the canadian lynx,
 the boreal lynx and the iberian lynx.


 It´s an animal that have short legs with which you can easily walk on snow. its fur is dense.  Its main characteristic is the black and pointed fur  on the ears. The color its fur is: since white until dark brown, they can have even black rays in all its body. Its fur is adapted the winter and the snow, but  heat not.
The lynx live between 10 (ten) and 20 (twenty) years, according to the species.
They are carnivorous. Its food are rabbits, hares, birds, squirrels, insects and reptiles. It can´t  run a lot, but it can, swim, climb and jump.
lynx is an animal protected since september 19, 1979 for the  convención internacional  de berna.
These animals are endangered for the selling its fur and for the shortage the food as the rabbit. The specie of lynxes that is more endangered is the iberian lynx. This feline is  the that  more is in endangered in the planet.

Pictures of lynxes:>

  •  The red lynx north american:

    • The canadian lynx->
   The boreal lynx->

The iberian lynx->

 Species of lynxes


Its fur is more denser that the other lynxes . These type of lynxes are more small that the boreal lynx. The lynx iberian is a discreet predator that employ the view and ear for capture its victim. Its food are hares, rodents, small deers, birds and mainly rabbits. These animals are nocturne and solitaries.

They move in winter and summer.
They live in forests, dunes, and in areas wooded from spain.

This specie of lynx is endangered

the red lynx eats hares and rabbits, but it also eats rodents it also almost always eats its prey when the hunt. but eats dead animal too.

 caracal lynx

 the caracal lynx despite its similar to the lynx does not belong to this group. it is considered a lynx of desert. this animal has view night, and very good ear for attack, this animal can detect a prey at three hundred meters of distance.the search of its prey can be of hours
the technique of hunt of the lynx are these, search a track, approximation to the prey, surprise attack,
immobilization of the prey,execution of the prey and, finally, eats.
this animal used the environment of the area for camouflage, for that its fur is confused easily with the vegetation. when this animal see the moment opportune, jump about its prey. with a jump, this animal can jump five meters of distance. but in small distance, it is very very fast. but yeah fails the first attack, it has only one opportunity more, by that it has weak heart and it is broker not good, and yeah it fails, it has that going to other areas, because  now the prey  know that it are in the area.

the lynx hunt to big prey of the neck for drown and to the small prey, it the bold the back. this animal eats about 1.3 and 3 kg of meet. this animal cover its prey with leaves and soil and by this it can eats of this prey by other days more.
File:Caracal distribution.png
the lynx enter in heat in february to april and the females only can has one baby to the year. the females only can are with one males and the males with all the femals.
this search animal an area for protect to of babys the other animals. the gestation lasts about 70 days in each birth there are about one and six baby.

the mother brings, small animals to its baby  for that this learn the art of hunt.  at twelve weeks the lynx can get to hunt in the night.

there are four class of lynx :

                                     the red lynx

this lynx is of  north america and characterized by its small tail. it live from mexico to canada this lynx can measure about  91 cm of length and it can weigh about 9 kg

                                  the canadian lynx

this animal can measure about 95 cm of length and it live in, united states,alska and canada

                                      boreal lynx

this lynx live in canada and Europe and it can weigh about 15 kg

                                       Iberian lynx

this animal can measure about 89 cm of length and it can weigh about 13kg of these species there are about 200

                                 table on the lynxs

(Lynx lynx)
binomial name
Lynx lynx
.From 0.80 to 1.30 cm in length 
from 30 to 45 kg.
Europe, Asia, North america and mexico
hares, rabbits,bird and small roedonts
Nómada Solitario
nocturnal hunter

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